Safal Partners offers extensive experience in the design and implementation of Human Capital Management Systems (HCMS). On a national scale, Safal manages content development for the Center for Educator Effectiveness, working directly with the U.S. Department of Education and Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grantees. Safal maintains an exhaustive list of experts in educator evaluation, educator effectiveness and performance-based policy field through our work on the Center.

Safal has also worked with several districts around the country to successfully implement HCMS, including the rollout of a comprehensive principal evaluation solution for Trenton Public School District and a teacher evaluation system for Houston Independent School District. Having supported school districts in implementing their HCMS, we understand the challenges they face as they try to develop a coherent and compelling vision that is reflected consistently along all aspects of the process. Safal brings an understanding of multiple HCMS technology systems, including Kenexa, Taleo, and AppliTrack through our work supporting districts in identifying the functionality required in an HCMS. In addition, Safal spearheaded the assessment of multiple districts’ teacher evaluation systems for the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.

Safal team members have authored implementation guides and toolkits. Team members have also presented highly rated workshops helping Local Education Agencies (LEAs) implement educator evaluation initiatives.